Tuesday, January 23, 2007

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all others"

I love this quote from Winston Churchill. To me, it so exquisitely defines the importance of context and relativity in any situation. As far as government systems are concerned, democracy is certainly not a panacea; but compared to other systems, it generally works well for the greater good. That is, we must always consider the alternatives in any situation before making an assessment about whether or not something is "good" or "not good."

I'll give you another kind of example. How about road rage? So many drivers are rude, impatient, even hostile. Yet how "bad" can it be if you can afford to drive a car, to conveniently and quickly reach places? A very small percentage of the world's population actually owns a car; but instead of perceiving it as a luxury, many people complain about traffic. Well, your choices are: complain about traffic and act all hostile and rude to your fellow drivers; or, recognize how lucky you are to be able to hit the beach in two hours. Better yet, relinquish your car and then see how life is without it. Challenge yourself to take public transportation everywhere, or even ride your bike. There are always alternatives to your current situation; you can make choices and act instead of complaining. Live for a year without your car; then, when you start driving again, how hostile will you be? It's all contextual and relative.

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