Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"All's well that ends"

Another one of my favorite quotes comes from my beloved step-father, Gene Miller. Gene is a soft-hearted teddy bear, dressed in a cynic's clothing. When his cynical side emerges, you may hear him utter one of his oft-cited quotes, "All's well that ends." (This is of course a pun, if you will, on Shakespeare's "All's well that ends well.")

And indeed, if in fact, "All's well that ends" is true, then that other oft-cited cliche is also true, "It's all good." Because surely, everything ends.

Except for one thing:

And that is, God.

Yes, God.

God is constant.

God is unchanging.

God is eternally the Creator, the Sustainer, and the Redeemer.

And this, my friends, is what I believe with my whole heart and my whole soul.

So, dear Gene, "all's well that ends," but God does not end. So does that mean He is not "well"?

On the contrary, God is much more than merely "well." God is the answer to our salvation.

Look folks, we are all sinners. Yes, all of us. Even you. Especially me. We are all vulnerable. We all make mistakes. We are all fallible human beings. And the context for the entire World, the entire breadth and depth of the cosmos, is Yahweh. God. The context to give meaning to our lives and salvation for eternity, is our faith in Jesus Christ.

I have reached this state of faith after many years of introspection, Scripture reflection, and prayer. This has not been a casual discovery or flippant epiphany. This has been a "born again" experience that has led me towards "the way, the truth, the life."

We, my friends, are the light of the world. We are the salt of the earth. And we are only here because God is our Creator, our Sustainer, and our Redeemer.

And when it all ends, God will still be there.

1 comment:

Dade Cariaga said...

I don't disagree with any of what you've said here, my friend. I'd only add this: there are other ways to salvation and redemption. At least, I believe there are.

Accepting Christ as your savior is one way. Following the teachings of the prophet Mohamed is another. Sitting at the (figurative) feet of the Bodhisattva is yest another.

So many paths... all easy to find... and even easier to stray from...