Saturday, March 3, 2007

The Absurdity of the Anti-Gay Marriage Agenda

The Right's vehement opposition to "gay marriage" is fundamentally flawed (that is, if you want to apply logic). How in the world does my monogamous, domestic partnership with a woman negatively impact a straight couple's marriage? I completely fail to see how the union of a same-sex couple in any way jeopardizes or inhibits that of straight couples. If anything, gay couples who want to "commit" to monogamous, domestic relationships should be lauded by the Right as "correct" family values. Therein lies the fierce irony. If "we" (gay couples) want to act just like "them" (straight couples) and commit ourselves to life-long monogamy, we are vilified?????

I think it has more to do with family structure. Many gay couples have taken the leap of faith to have children (either biologically or adopting). I say it is a "leap of faith" because the world is still unsure on whether it wants to embrace "gay families" as legitimate. The Right characterizes gay families as illegitimate. Yet, what exactly is a "family"? A "family" unit is built on a foundation of mutual love and respect. How is "love and respect" wrong?

If the Right's opposition to gay marriage were truly authentic, they would instead channel their energies toward outlawing divorce. For divorce, surely, is anathema to the Right's marriage-loving agenda, right?

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