Friday, May 18, 2007

The Prayers of Sarah

On May 3, I had emergency surgery to remove a swollen gall bladder. To make a long story short, I have emerged better and stronger than ever; but it was a harrowing experience. I do perceive this event as a blessing in disguise, though, because it reminds us of the fragility of life. And it also reminds us how good we feel 95% of the time.

Because I was unable to attend church on May 6, Mother Julie visited our house for an intimate service. It was lovely. I wrote a few prayers and said them at the service. The following are the prayers.

To all my wonderful friends and family, both here and around the country, for supporting me and taking care of me during this sudden and harrowing health crisis.

To Dr. Chang and Dr. Lester and all the care providers at St. Vincent's, for treating me with both their medical expertise and their kindness.

To the Departed, to all the souls who have come before us who have suffered pain at the hands of primitive medicine, may they now rest in peace.

To all the women who have died while trying to bring a new soul into the world. May they rest in peace.

To all the people alive today in desperately poor countries around the world - in Sub-Saharan Africa, parts of the Far East and parts of Central and South America, and even those poverty-stricken amongst us, may they all mercifully receive the medical care they need, and especially may they receive relief from pain and suffering.

To all the doctors and nurses and others who mercifully administer medical care and pain relief. May God protect and encourage them as they pursue these endeavors. May they always have the supplies and equipment they need to alleviate pain for everyone who suffers.

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